Louise Bradley, one of the UK’s leading interior designers
If I were . . .

Louise Bradley is one of the UK’s leading interior designers. While she undertakes projects across the world, notably in the Middle East, she is best known for her work within the golden postcodes of London, where her own eponymous studio-come-showroom is located.

If I were a CAR, I would be a vintage Porsche – I love the classic silhouette. My father had one when I was young and since then I have always loved them. It would have to be gunmetal – so iconic!

If I were a SONG, I would like to be Heroes or China Girl by David Bowie. I love Bowie – I watched his Glastonbury set from 2000 during lockdown – one of the best evenings!

If I were a FABRIC, I would like to be anything by Fortuny – each design is beautifully unique and a treasure to find. Incredibly, next year marks a hundred years since Mariano Fortuny opened the doors of the current factory in Giudecca. Recently, I found some vintage Fortuny, which I had made into cushions for a project.

If I were a FILM, it would have to be Pretty Woman – I love a rags-to-riches story and anything romantic. Plus Julia Roberts is always incredible and in this film, her style journey is wonderful to watch!

If I were a CITY – London – I grew up in London and it continues to offer endless entertainment, no matter how I feel. I do crave the countryside at times, but London always pulls me back.

If I were a BIRD, a Snowy Owl – they are so incredibly majestic with their crisp white feathers and amber eyes with that knowing look.

If I were an ICE-CREAM FLAVOUR, it would be Salted Caramel – one spoon is never enough!

If I were a BOAT, I would be a Riva Aquarama, preferably in the idyllic crystal-clear waters off the Italian coast. At Masterpiece last year, there was a beautiful reconditioned one. I hope it went to a loving owner.

If I were a MUSICAL INSTRUMENT, I would be a violin – but only if played beautifully by someone like Vanessa Mae!


Louise Bradley

