Architect Francesca Muzio
If I were . . .

Architect Francesca Muzio has overseen design projects in over twenty different countries. With an MSc in Architecture, and a postgraduate Master in Business Administration and Marketing, her early career collaborations include that of Renzo Piano, where she gained experience in residential and commercial design projects and management worldwide. In 2001 she joined CRN – Custom Line Ferretti-Group – as Creative Director of the Interior Design Department. There, she managed the design and construction of 112 superyachts, which are among the most prestigious superyachts in the world. Born on the Riviera Ligure in Italy, Francesca developed a passion for the sea and for architecture when young. She co-founded FM Architettura d’Interni, ten years’ ago in Ancona on the Adriatic coast. Over the last decade, she has developed a collaboration with small artisans to create extraordinary projects around the world, not only for the superyacht industry but also for the high-end residential and hospitality sectors.

If I were a BOOK, I would be The Innocence of Objects by Orhan Pamuk, which describes very well the love tying us to the objects that surround us. I love to linger on family objects cherished by generations. It’s not about precious things only. It may be a kimono that somebody presented to my grandmother and I used to dress up in as a child; or the vinyl records my grandparents danced the tango to; or beloved poetry books . . .

If I were a FILM, I would choose Il Gattopardo [The Leopard], in particular the scene at the ball, which is one of the most beautiful synthesis of the visual arts. The genius of Luchino Visconti is evident in the care of the smallest detail – real candles on all the chandeliers, perfumed linen and authentically precious china in the cupboards. All this, just to give the audience the opportunity to not only to view the scene, but to live it.

If I were a FABRIC, it would be a traditional Sardinian fabric. These tell the story of women, and are woven by women using age-old traditions. I love the symbolic signs woven into the fabric, and that they pass these on to their husbands and children like secret messages cherished since the origin of the world. I like to collect them when I walk around the old villages of Sardinia and to discover this very particular art. One of my most incredible encounters was with Maria Lai (1919 – 2013) whose artworks are ‘sewn canvases’, a metaphor for the fragile relationship between the inner self and the external world.

If I were a BOAT, it would be the Sangermani sailing boat. I was born in a beautiful village near Portofino, and boats have been my passion ever since my childhood. There is nothing quite like a sailing boat to give you the sensation of pure freedom. These wooden sailing boats of my childhood have a timeless charm, harnessing the relationship between man and nature.

If I were an ISLAND, it would be one of the Philippines, a beautiful country that I have had the pleasure of visiting for many years now. My Philippine friends show me islands steeped in lush nature, and imbued with different cultures. Everywhere in this country you sense an incredibly positive energy and when you go there it is impossible not to be fascinated and overwhelmed by it. It is contagious!

If I were a TREE, a Mango tree! A while back, an Indian client for whom I had designed a beautiful boat, presented me with a huge box. Full of curiosity, I started to open it trying to guess what kind of precious thing I would find, and I found some beautiful mangos. The mango symbolises eternal love, richness and fertility. In an ancient Vedic story, it is the sign of true love. I think this is one of the most beautiful presents I have ever received. This might also be why, when I see a mango tree, I always stop and pause to admire it with deep devotion.
Instagram: @fm_muzio and @fmarchitettura

Francesca Muzio

